

Exemplare und Geoden in AAA-Qualität | E2D Crystals

91 Produkte

Zeigt 1 - 24 von 91 Produkten

Zeigt 1 - 24 von 91 Produkten
Water Clear Lemurian Quartz from Diamantina – AAA-Grade CrystalWater Clear Lemurian Quartz from Diamantina – AAA-Grade Crystal
Lemurian Quartz Point of AAA-Grade, Optical Clarity, From Diamantina - BrazilLemurian Quartz Point of AAA-Grade, Optical Clarity, From Diamantina - Brazil
Large Natural Lemurian Quartz Point from Diamantina, Optical Clarity - E2D Crystals & MineralsLarge Natural Lemurian Quartz Point from Diamantina, Optical Clarity - E2D Crystals & Minerals
Sparkly Madeira Orange Citrine Heart, AAA-GradeSparkly Madeira Orange Citrine Heart, AAA-Grade
AAA-Grade Natural Citrine Crystal Quartz with Water-Clear Yellow Color, X-LargeAAA-Grade Natural Citrine Crystal Quartz with Water-Clear Yellow Color, X-Large
Genuine Natural Citrine Flame Sculpture with AAA-Grade, Golden Orange InteriorGenuine Natural Citrine Flame Sculpture with AAA-Grade, Golden Orange Interior
Rare Black Galaxy Amethyst Geode with Moss Agate Matrix - E2D Crystals & MineralsRare Black Galaxy Amethyst Geode with Moss Agate Matrix - E2D Crystals & Minerals
Wasserklarer echter lemurischer Punkt mit optischer Klarheit und perfekter BeendigungWasserklarer echter lemurischer Punkt mit optischer Klarheit und perfekter Beendigung
High - Grade Pink Amethyst Geode on Stand with Pink Galaxy Druzy - E2D Crystals & MineralsHigh - Grade Pink Amethyst Geode on Stand with Pink Galaxy Druzy - E2D Crystals & Minerals
Rare Amethyst Cathedral Geode: AAA - Grade Crystal with Black Galaxy Druzy & Golden Goethite Cacoxenite - 18 In - 28lb - E2D Crystals & MineralsRare Amethyst Cathedral Geode: AAA - Grade Crystal with Black Galaxy Druzy & Golden Goethite Cacoxenite - 18 In - 28lb - E2D Crystals & Minerals
Rare AAA - Grade Madeira Citrine Geode Cathedral: Super - Grade for Collection, Decor & Energy Work, 24 - Inch 66 Lb. - E2D Crystals & MineralsRare AAA - Grade Madeira Citrine Geode Cathedral: Super - Grade for Collection, Decor & Energy Work, 24 - Inch 66 Lb. - E2D Crystals & Minerals
Pair of Sculptural Large AAA Citrine Geodes, 4.5 Ft. Tall and Symmetrical with Sparkly Golden Orange Druzy, 452 Lb. - E2D Crystals & MineralsPair of Sculptural Large AAA Citrine Geodes, 4.5 Ft. Tall and Symmetrical with Sparkly Golden Orange Druzy, 452 Lb. - E2D Crystals & Minerals
Pair of X - Large Amethyst Geode Cathedrals – AAA High - Grade Grape Jelly Purple Amethyst with Crystal Calcite, 860 Lb, 45 In - E2D Crystals & MineralsPair of X - Large Amethyst Geode Cathedrals – AAA High - Grade Grape Jelly Purple Amethyst with Crystal Calcite, 860 Lb, 45 In - E2D Crystals & Minerals
Großer AAA-Amethystcluster mit Traubengelee-Drusen (sibirische Amethystfarbe)Großer AAA-Amethystcluster mit Traubengelee-Drusen (sibirische Amethystfarbe)
AAA-Amethyst-Cluster mit großen, luxuriösen Traubengelee-lila Druzy-PunktenAAA-Amethyst-Cluster mit großen, luxuriösen Traubengelee-lila Druzy-Punkten
Citrin-Kathedralgeode, AAA-Qualität, tieforangefarbener Cognac-CitrinCitrin-Kathedralgeode, AAA-Qualität, tieforangefarbener Cognac-Citrin

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